British Chess U18 Standard Play Event

Joint FIDE Open winners Eryl and Shlok fighting out a hard draw.

Urbi and Purba having a blitz playoff for the Essex Junior Title. Urbi won narrowly.

Eventual joint winner Tomas and Jake battling it out on Board 1 of the U100 section.

Young Rezin keeping the dads in check in the parents’ tournament.

The chess weekend was fun and engaging, and the environment was caring and fun. Many of the competitors played very hard, whether they won or lost. There was lots of support for the players from other players. I won 2/6 games and my brother won 5/6, meaning he won a prize of £12.50. We played in the Under-100 category. There was also a FIDE open category which was very close between 2 sisters: Urbi and Purba.

In between chess matches I played football on the AstroTurf along with friends I made during the weekend. I also looked at my chess games with Robin and helped my new friend Alex to look at his chess games. Alex had a remote-controlled car and we caused organised fun chaos together.

Report by Eddie Pickwick

Robin’s Note: Urbi and Purba were the highest-placed Essex Juniors on 3.5/5, and Urbi won a play-off to win the Essex Shield. But the FIDE tournament was won by Shlok and Eryl on 4/5. Eddie was too busy causing organised fun chaos to pick this up!